About Us

The monthly Tacoma Contra Dance is run by the Tacoma Country Dance Society (TCDS), a non-profit 501 (c) (3) corporation under federal law.  The dance started in February 1996 in Christ Church Wells Hall, and we danced there for many years.

Tacoma Contra Dance
Wells Hall. Photo courtesy of Doug Plummer.

Our new venue for contra dances is Normanna Hall, located at 1106 S. 15th Street in Tacoma.

Sons of Norway, Normanna Hall

A small group of volunteers organize and run the dance.  The money collected at the door is used to pay for the rent, sound person, band, and caller.

To make the dance a financial success, we need to increase the number of dancers.  Before the pandemic, we averaged 90 to 95 dancers for the previous several years.  Since we resumed dancing after the pandemic, the average is 62 dancers (as of October 2023).

That is a good number, but we would have even more fun with more dancers.  So, tell your friends and come dance with us!


To contact the organizers, please contact Matt Temmel, (253) 278-1237 or info@tacomacontradance.org.

Thank you!